Friday, May 6, 2011

How Many College Students Does It Take...

How many college students does it take to change a baby’s diaper? Answer: Three.

After lunch, I stepped outside towards the auditorium where the student government meeting would take place. On the way to the auditorium, I noticed a stroller parked outside. Babies on campus always catch my interest, because there are so few of them. Most college students opt to leave their babies or children in the college day care, but the economy is becoming such that fewer college students are able to afford child care. I think day cares will see less business as mothers choose to place their children in the care of friends or family while in class. But I digress.

As I walked by the stroller, I noticed that three college students were sitting on or around one small park bench. They were all huddled around one central figure: a baby, lying on her back, waiting for her diaper change to be over. One female college student pulled the sticky straps across the diaper. “There,” she declared triumphantly. Immediately her male friend shooed her away and insisted that the baby’s diaper was too tight. The third college student must have already tried and given up, because she sat quietly beside the baby, browsing on her cell phone.

Having kids, while also attending college, is tough. I applaud the students at my college that are determined to get high grades regardless of what their home situation is like. I am especially proud of the friends of young parents, who help to raise the children, even if it is only one diaper at a time.

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